Did you know that there is great power behind the words you use? A few weeks ago, at Employee Development Day, our providers and staff learned that words are free. It's how you use them that can cost you.
Invictus Healthcare System is not just our name, but also a representation of our heart in patient care. The word Invictus is a Latin term that means undefeated, which reflects our desire to be the best in all we do for each patient, for our staff and our community. Invictus starts with "I" and ends with "us," which symbolizes our understanding that each of our efforts (what "I" do), impacts the entire team ("us") and when we do it with excellence, our patients benefit greatly. It simply starts with our choice of words. From the staff at the front desk, to radiology technicians, to medical assistants, to our back-office staff all need to be conscious of the words we use daily.
How Do Words Affect The Work Environment?
· It makes employees feel like they are more and not less
· It makes employees feel more competent
· It makes employees feel more appreciated
· Negative words whether spoken, heard or thought of not only cause situational stress but also contribute to long term anxiety through induced hormones
How To Manifest Positivity Through Our Words?
· Appreciation
· Encouragement
· Words of affirmation
· Kind words
Motivated employees will give out their maximum contribution which results in stronger camaraderie, better patient relations and an undefeated company.
The word Invictus is a Latin term that means undefeated, which reflects our desire to be the best in all we do for each patient, for our staff and our community.