It's the new year. Therefore, we are in the most productive month of the year: January. January is when we are all motivated to take this next year by storm. Some of us are finally going to go to a Gym. Some of us have a number of books we want to read. Some of us are finally going to get someone to read these blogs! (This one may be more personal to me). Somehow, our goals tend to slip away come February. So how do we keep on track and accomplish our dreams?
Here is a simple step by step guide to accomplishing your goal!
Step #1 - Write Your Goal Down and Pin it Up!
When you write your goal down you are more likely to accomplish your goal already. When you pin it up somewhere, you now have a reminder of what it is you're trying to accomplish!
Step #2 - Break Your Goal Down into Smaller Steps!
Work backwards! Knowing what each of your steps is will make the goal much more manageable, no matter how large! Some tasks seem very daunting, but this is a way to make them feel doable!
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." – Lao Tzu
Step #3 - Celebrate Each Step!
It feels weird to celebrate when we take a step towards our goals, but we need to! This is a great way to keep yourself motivated to keep going. Each time you accomplish something, take yourself out to dinner or even throw a party! Enjoy that you have put yourself the path towards success.
Step #4 - Stay Flexible and Positive!
There will always be things you don't plan for! Don't beat yourself up for anything that proves difficult. Adjust to what the world is throwing at you and move forward anyway!
Step #5 - Seek Support!
Do not do this alone! Go to the people you trust and tell them your goals! Just having someone else knowing helps immensely. If you'd like to try the advanced version of this step, try to find other people who also want to accomplish this goal! Two is always better than one!
This is a very simple guide to accomplishing your goals. Keep in mind, some goals will require more, but you can get it done! Don't let 2025 be another year of letting your goals fall away. Take it slow and at it's own pace and ACHIEVE. YOUR. GOALS!